Saturday, April 16, 2011

My First Driving Lesson

It's more difficult than I thought!
And my instructor is such an impatient person!!

I felt so stupid throughout the whole lesson!!
I was blur, I panicked and I can't coordinate myself!!

Not only that, now I realized that my Cantonese actually SUCKS!
I can't really get what my instructor was teaching as I can't fully understand what he said..

When the lesson ended, he asked where was my mind when I was learning.
I truly gave my 100% of concentration.
But yet he thinks that I am fooling around..
Like HELLO? This is like my first time driving a car?
Isn't it normal to panicked and forgot one or two steps taught?

Gosh.. I will be having another lesson tomorrow..
I hope I won't forget what I learned today..

Wish me luck... T_________T

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