Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year 2011 Resolutions

Wanted to blog about my last night at Japan but, my connection at home forbids me to do so.
I used up my 10gb quota and Digi has not reset my connection.
I am now surfing the net with the speed not over 128kbps!
Imagine uploading the photos, it will take a very long time.

I know it's a little late to blog about New Year Resolutions since it's already the 5th day of 2011, but I think it's better late than never? XD
Apparently, New Year Resolutions are supposed to be something personal, for you to keep for yourself, but I wanna make them public to make sure I will remember what I have set and try to achieve them!
To be frank, this will the first time for the first year I set resolutions.

So, here goes the Top 10 Resolutions..
  1. Learn to BELIEVE in myself.
  2. Learn to gain confidence in myself to decrease increase my low self esteem.
  3. Learn to think positive!!
  4. To decide what I really wanna be, what I really want in life.
  5. Get a driving license!!
  6. Get a better paid job which I WILL enjoy working.
  7. Save MORE money and LESS shopping!
  8. Excel in my Japanese language course.
  9. Learn to cook and eat healthy.
  10. To travel to Japan again end of this year!
Hopefully I can achieved something from the list of resolutions above by end of this year!!
New Year New Hope..
2011, please be good! :)

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